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Benefits of early orthodontic care for children

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We are all aware that we have two sets of teeth, one the primary teeth (milk teeth or baby teeth, which shed off after a few years) and the other, the permanent teeth (adult teeth which are carried throughout the life). But did you know that the milk teeth influence not only the way that the permanent teeth are placed but also the way in which the child’s whole face grows? Orthodontic treatments are nothing but dental braces, usually used to correct these maligned teeth or bite irregularities you have in your adulthood. But did you know that orthodontic treatments can be used to drastically prevent and minimise said malalignment if started early in life? A child’s dental health is more than cavities. It is the way they bite and swallow, their habits of thumb sucking, the way they speak and the way all these influence their permanent teeth and facial symmetry. Learn more about the benefits of introducing orthodontic care earlier in life.

Improved appearance of the primary and permanent smile

Premature loss of baby teeth, certain habits and genetic factors might change the space left in the jaw for permanent teeth to erupt. This leads to the erupting teeth crowding on each other. Also, a child’s confidence is very important. Insecurities are more and deeper set in children and these can be carried into adulthood and manifested in different forms. Early orthodontic treatment can

Can recognize and nip certain habits in the bud

You might think that certain habits like thumb sucking are common for a child. But once they pass a certain age, this habit can change the shape of their jaw and in turn their whole face. Another example is mouth breathing. This can lead to snoring and can cause many issues like improper gum health and throat dryness in the future. Seemingly simple habits like teeth grinding can cause a strain on their chewing muscles and actually lead to migraine and chronic pain as they progress to adulthood. In such cases early recognition and action is a must.

We can regulate a person's bite by managing their primary teeth

Along with appearance and alignment of teeth, bite is also a very important factor. Did you know that improper bite, over or underbite and crossbites can lead to serious problems like trauma to gums, jaw pain, and/or increased imbalance in chewing forces which might inevitably lead to tooth fractures? With the help of early orthodontics, we dentists can locate and guide the bite into its proper position.
Time and financial benefits
As we all know, prevention is better than cure. By advising orthodontic treatment in the early stages itself, we can save up on a lot of time and money. It is better to get your child’s braces treatment done in their early years where we can have some control on the still growing future teeth and face structures, rather than when they are older, have societal responsibilities and their teeth and jaw structures have fully grown and set.
Delay no more in getting your child the best orthodontic care they deserve. Book a consultation now and have Prudentoe experts help you navigate the treatments from the comfort of your home.