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How to maintain your oral hygiene after a Dental Filling?

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Are you planning to get a dental filling? Or have you already gotten one and are wondering how to maintain it? Are you worried that a filling might change how you eat or brush and is this stopping you from getting one? Read the necessary home care measures and what needs to be changed in your daily oral maintenance to accommodate the filled teeth.

Let’s talk about Dental fillings first

Why do I need to get a filling? Fillings or restorations are advised in case of cavities. Cases where you might feel a slight pain or sensitivity in some teeth only while eating or drinking. You might not even know that there is a cavity but during your regular dental checkup your dentist has discovered some tiny pit and fissure cavities; and in order to prevent the cavity growing and damaging the deeper tooth structures, has advised you a dental filling.

What happens in a filling procedure? Simple – the infected part of the tooth is removed. Dental caries might seem small to the outside but as we start working on the tooth, we will understand its actual extent into the tooth. As we remove the infected part, the tooth is now left with less than its original structure. The restorative material we use is strong enough to restore the lost tooth structure and also helps remove any remaining infection/protect the tooth from any future infections

Care to be taken after dental fillings

Dental fillings can actually be your initial saviours. Don’t let them progress to a point beyond repair. Book your dental consultation now and get a customised treatment plan. We try to be as conservative as possible with your teeth!