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How to take care after Tooth Extraction?

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You have finally gotten the tooth extraction that you have been dreading for days now. The procedure was done under local anaesthesia so you could get through it easily. But what about once the anaesthesia wears down? ‘Will I feel pain’? ‘Will I be able to eat normally?’ ‘Will there be any relapse or infection?’ If these and more such questions have crossed your mind, then read along to know the detailed steps and care to be taken following a tooth extraction; immediately after the procedure and for the next few days.

Most importantly, remember to rest, hydrate and do not panic. You have been through a dental procedure. It is okay to rest. You are on medication. It is needed to eat well. And it is perfectly alright if you want to consult us again to clear your doubts or for a follow up.

Still worried about tooth extraction? Well, book your consultation now at Prudentoe. We understand the dental fear of patients and are always willing to help clinically and mentally.