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Link between oral health and overall wellness

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Ever wondered why a general physician would first look at your tongue with a tiny torch when your complaint was a fever or body pains? Well it is because oral health is the main indicator of overall health. It is highly linked to systemic health not only in conditions like diabetes and cardiovascular issues, but also in severe, comparatively rare anomalies like deep infections, tumours, bone conditions and even cancer. Oral health is also a health indicator in different ages and phases of life. From a mentally neglected child presenting with multiple cavities to a physically weak elderly person presenting with ulcers, oral health can say a lot. Know the different ways in which oral health is linked to overall wellness and understand the signs better.

Diabetes and cardiovascular health

Gum health is proven to be a direct indicator of your diabetes. Diabetes slows down wound and gum healing, resulting in accumulation of bacteria. Bleeding and inflamed gums also increase blood sugar levels affecting the overall insulin levels.
Patients with periodontal diseases are at higher risk of stroke and atherosclerosis due to inflammation and bacteria spreading to the bloodstream.

Digestive and Respiratory health -

The mouth is the entry point to your digestive system. Not only that but the mouth also connects to the respiratory system or your windpipe. These systems are very important for your day to day functions. Imagine having the entry point to these important systems filled with germs and harbouring infections?
An infected tooth or an irregular bite leads to pain during chewing food. Certain allergy or pain medication can decrease the flow of saliva in your mouth. All these factors make breaking down food in mouth hard. Meaning improper digestion and malnutrition due to less food absorption into the body.
An open bite or swollen adenoids will lead to mouth breathing which can put the respiratory tract at risk of infections. Same with certain periodontal or gum infections.


Oral health is very important in pregnancy. Pregnancy tumors on the gum are very common. So are ulcers formed due to hormonal imbalances. Also it is not advised to perform complex dental procedures during pregnancy hence it is best to get a complete dental checkup done before starting a pregnancy. Oral health issues in pregnancy might also lead to malnutrition of the baby and lower birth rates.
Bone and Autoimmune conditions.
Many bone conditions and bony deformities that affect your systemic health (eg, ricket’s syndrome, osteomalacia) also manifest in the oral cavity. They might manifest as bony deformities or tumors. Such conditions require extra care. Arthritis is another condition which has oral symptoms like a weak TMJ joint, orofacial muscle pains and more. Studies also prove that inflammatory pathways in gum and oral health might worsen Arthritis.
Oral health and mental health
This is often neglected but a child or even an adult’s oral health can tell a lot about their mental and behavioural patterns. Proclined teeth can indicate thumb sucking which might be a trauma response. Chipped teeth or tiny scars on gums might indicate nail biting which can be linked to anxiety. Very poor oral health might be a sign of parental or self neglect which is actually a cry for help.
There are many more ways in which oral health connects to overall wellness. Full body health camps get enough pomp but this is your time to book a full oral health checkup. Contact our Prudentoe team for an at home checkup.