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What is a crossbite? Signs, effects and treatment

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Crossbite is a kind of malalignment of teeth, which not only affects the esthetics of your smile but also leads to severe dental issues like pain, swollen gums, plaque formation and more. To understand a crossbite properly, you would first need to understand how an ideal dental bite is.

An ideal Dental bite or occlusion -

In an ideal bite, the lower teeth are placed behind the upper teeth. The lower front teeth or the incisors are covered by the upper incisors. This alignment is what makes up most of the visual when you smile and gives you the perfect curve. The lower back teeth also occlude with the upper back teeth in such a way that most of the tooth is placed behind the upper teeth when viewed from outside. This arrangement gives your mouth and the jaws a good foundation to bear all the chewing forces and movements.

In A Crossbite Condition -

When you bite properly with your back teeth, One or more lower teeth will be placed in front of the upper teeth in such a way that the outer parts of the upper teeth touch the inner part of the lower teeth. This can be of two types –
Anterior crossbite – where one or more front teeth are misaligned in this way and Posterior crossbite – when one or more back teeth are misaligned
What are the signs you might be having a crossbite –
You must be wondering why we are talking so much about the bite of your teeth and how it actually affects you. In untreated crossbite cases, the signs can progress and lead to –

Treatment of a crossbite

Crossbite cases are best treated when treated early. We can use myofascial appliances and apparatuses to control the growth of the jaws and see to it that the upper teeth grow to be in front of the lower teeth only.
Orthodontic braces treatment is the gold standard for crossbite cases. With braces, we can guide your teeth to sit into the proper bite position.
Eitherway, the more you delay the more related dental issues start forming and the harder it is to treat the crossbite cases with simple treatment approaches. So delay not, book a consultation and have dental experts at your comfort with Prudentoe’s door step dentistry.