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Why choosing the right dental clinic is crucial for your oral health

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The awareness around oral health is increasing a lot nowadays thanks to multiple platforms and sources. People understand the importance of preventing dental problems, early interventions and complete family dental care. But along with growing knowledge comes a lot of confusion. Where to start, which clinic to pick, which Dentist to trust and how to navigate the seemingly complex dental treatments and follow ups? The simple answer is that it depends completely on the clinic you choose. A good dental practice is not just an experienced doctor and an ambient space. It is much more. Read along.

Qualified professionals who put patient comfort first

The right dental clinic will have a team of qualified doctors and staff who will not just explain the treatment and leave, but will sit with you through it, let you communicate your needs and most importantly, will make you seen and heard. They should be able to take your considerations and concerns into account rather than proceeding with the default, one-size-fits-all treatment protocols.

A dentist who sees beyond the tooth

Oftentimes in the rush of waiting room patients and the number of piling up cases, paying attention only to your one single chief complaint just seems easier. But that would not be a justified approach. A good qualified professional knows how to see beyond the tooth, to locate the exact origin of the problem, to recognize and bring to your notice any other underlying conditions. This is what ensures that you get the right care that you deserve now and that the treatment results are long term.

Strict hygiene protocols

Along with the Doctor and the staff, the clinic appearance and hygiene is a mandatory check point. Patients, and even the visitors in dental clinics are most susceptible to air and contact borne infections. As we work with a lot of aerosols and oral fluids like blood and saliva, proper sterilisation of not only the instruments used but also the countertops and chairs is a must.
Advanced technologies and access to multiple treatment plans
Dentistry has evolved a lot over the years and there are lots of new treatments and equipment that can make your treatment easier. If your dentist is still making you come down for months for a simple procedure, that is questionable. Also a good dental clinic must be able to provide you with alternate options and customised treatment plans based on your needs.
One stop care for you and your family
Having different dental clinics for different members of your family is unnecessarily hectic. The right dental clinic will have practitioners of all the dental branches under one wing, so that your whole family gets the needed care.
Proper follow ups
The right dental clinic is responsible for their patients not only when they are in our chairs but also when they are out and about with their lives. The clinic should take up the responsibility to make regular followup calls and send you appointment reminders. This works in the best interest of both the clinic and the patient.
Along with the above mentioned, accessibility to the clinic is also an important factor. We at Prudentoe seal the deal by not only being well equipped with all the factors, but also bringing quality dental care to your doorstep. When you have everything and more at a single click, why wait? Make your dental appointment now.