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Is wisdom tooth removal painful?

Every patient, when they hear the words ‘wisdom tooth’ and ‘removal’ get this immediate flash in their head that ‘Oh, it’s going to be painful!’ But guess what? Having the wisdom teeth in your mouth is going to be much worse.

Let us understand what a wisdom tooth is and why it needs to be removed first.

Wisdom teeth are nothing but the last teeth in your dental arch. They are the 3rd set of molars in the arch and typically erupt around the ages of 21 – 27 years. Whereas all your other adult teeth completely form and erupt by the age of 14 – 15 years. They are considered as accessory teeth, meaning they have no real role in chewing. You can still have the same oral function even after getting these extracted.

Still worried? Know about the procedure and how we make it painless.

Both these procedures are performed under Local Anesthesia. You will be given a tiny injection to block/numb the area. This anaesthesia can actually keep you numb for up to 2 – 3 hours. Meaning we will have enough window of ‘painless time’ to remove your tooth. As the procedure takes place, you might feel a slight pressure as if someone is pressing hard on your hand. Once the tooth comes out, we close that area properly.

Once the anaesthesia effect wears down, yes you will feel some discomfort but your dentist will give your proper post care and medications to minimise post treatment pain too.

Now let’s see what happens if we leave the wisdom teeth as it is?

The list goes on. So do not delay your wisdom tooth consultation and removal in the fear of pain. Because the alternative is worse. Thankfully, you are in good hands with Prudentoe’s painless techniques and team.